This programme is the development of English and Indonesian language skills specifically for each field of study in all subjects in the Papuan Taruna Boarding School environment. This programme is aimed at all elementary and junior high school students with the aim of equipping students with Indonesian and English in accordance with their respective fields of study. This programme is compulsory for all students. This programme aims to:

  1. Assist students in understanding literature or sources of information in the language of their discipline during the study process
  2. Equipping them with the knowledge, skills and language abilities that may be needed in their next level after graduating from school.
  3. As a means of transporting culture, science and technology.
  4. As a means of enhancing and building international cooperation through the teach cast with oxford programme and International Class.
  5. As a means of improving strategies and competencies in global competition, especially through the Academic competencies in English programme.

There are several programmes created by UPT Bahasa to support the creation of an English atmosphere on the SATP campus.

1. ACE Class Program

The ACE Class programme is a flagship programme born out of the needs and competencies of students at SATP to respond to current global developments, especially in terms of foreign languages. The ACE class programme targets students who have above average competence from other students in terms of language and academics. This programme creates a class that is nuanced in English both from the teachers who teach and from the students themselves. The teaching staff in this programme come from Lokon teachers who are certified and qualified in teaching using English, especially in the fields of science and math. English subjects are taught by teachers from the Philippines who are already in SATP. The learning system in Ace class is carried out online for subjects (science and math) while English is taught onsite. The homeroom teacher of this Ace class is a teacher who has English competence above the average of other teachers, so that every learning activity or activity in the classroom uses bilingual (English and Indonesian).

2. TeachCast with Oxford Program

TeachCast with Oxford is a programme launched by PT Indomobil Edukasi Utama, in collaboration with Oxford University Press to provide technology-based English conversation training. This programme is a flagship programme in SATP that targets students from grade 3 elementary school to grade 9 junior high school. Since 2022, teach with oxford has been collaborating with YPL-SATP with the aim of increasing children’s confidence in mastering foreign languages, namely English through daily English conversations, not only in the classroom but also while in the school and dormitory environment.

TeachCast with Oxford provides a learning programme combining cutting-edge technology from Eleutian Technology and quality learning materials from Oxford University Press. Let’s Go is a specially designed training material for primary and junior high school children in SATP. Let’s Go focuses on the four methods of language skills namely reading, listening, speaking and writing. The materials used in Let’s Go are generalised, making it easy for children to apply. Let’s Go teaches new vocabulary and phrases relevant to everyday situational use. The lessons in Let’s Go incorporate English learning techniques from several methodologies that have repeatedly proven successful in teaching English to children, including Mother Tongue Based (MTB) and Total Physical Response (TPR).

3. Simple instruction in the class

The homeroom teachers will make a simple instruction in English for the students. For example; “open the door, close the door, silent please, stand up, sit down and etc.

4. Take attendance in English

Subject teacher must take attendance in English and encourage students to answer “present or absent or excused.

5. Pray and Sing in English in the classroom or at hall 2

Teachers will choose an English song to be sung in Hall. The English teachers will help the home room teachers to make a short prayer in English and teach them in the Classroom. Homeroom teachers must impose to students to pray in English before and after each class. The teacher must post a sample prayer on the wall.

6. English Day & English Pin

Monday and Thursday will be the English day for SATP wherein all workers must communicate with each other in English. Each English teacher will wear a pin that tells everyone to speak in English with them. Three random non-English teachers will get a chance to wear a pin bas ed on schedule where same rules apply.

7. English Poster (Educational Motivational Quotes)

English teachers will prepare different posters in English and work with IT staff for printing. Then, English teachers will place posters around the school and Dormitory.

8. Chapel program in English

Students must conduct a mass in English once a month. Homeroom teachers and English teachers will be working closely to help students.

9. Vocabulary words

Two English words per day will be taught to students (It should be used into a sentence).

10. Vocabulary Corner

Each homeroom teacher will create a vocabulary corner in each class and put each vocabulary that is distributed every day to help students recall the vocabulary that has been distributed.

11. Wow-Standing Readers

Students will read an English book for 10 minutes before class starts and learn new words from the book or reading

12. English In Life

Students will watch a short English video every day before class start. The duration of videos about 5 minutes and focus on conversation skill

13. English Club

Improvement classes should focus on enhancing students’ debate skill, speech and spelling

14. Sensory hall way

The UPT team in collaboration with the GA team will create writing on the school floor in English so that when students read the word, they will do what they read, for example on the floor will be written the word “jump” so that students will jump. other words will also be written on the floor.

15. Prayer book

The English teacher will help make prayers in English such as meal prayers, bedtime prayers, prayers before class and prayers after class. The prayers will be made like a small pocket book for students to read anywhere.

16. Vocabulary test

At the end of each month, all teachers and students will take an English Vocabulary test to measure their English skills. Teachers and students who get the highest score will receive an educational gift as a token of appreciation.

17. Bulan Bahasa competition (debate, poetry, storytelling, vlog, speech, English drama, etc)

The students participated in various competitions such as English debate, spelling bee, storytelling, English poetry, etc.
A non-English teacher and a student will record an English lesson video once a month to showcase their English skills. The video will be shown to all classes in the morning.

18. Kata Baku dan Tidak Baku untuk (SD-SMP)

Melalui kegiatan pemberian kata baku dan tidak baku kepada peserta didik setiap pagi dapat menambah kosa kata dan pemahaman baru bagi peserta didik.

19. Literasi (membaca buku) untuk (SD-SMP)

Melalui membaca buku peserta didik dapat menuliskan pesan apa yang didapatkan dari buku yang telah dibaca.

20. Literasi (mendikte anak kalimat motivasi)

Melalui kegiatan mendikte kata motivasi kepada peserta didik guru dapat mengetahui letak kesalahan dari tulisan peserta didik sehingga peserta didik dapat memperbaiki kata yang masih salah

21. Daily sinonim dan antonym

Peserta didik mampu memperkaya kosakata pengguna dengan menyajikan sinonim dan antonim dari sebuah kata setiap hari. Program ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengguna meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa peserta didik.

22. Gerakan Literasi

Peserta didik mampu menulis resensi dari buku yang dibaca

23. Membaca Cepat

Peserta didik mampu meningkatkan kecepatan membaca dan memahami teks yang dibaca.

24. Mading

Peserta didik dapat mengembangkan kreativitas yang dimiliki.