The language improvement programs at Sekolah Asrama Taruna Papua play an integral part in preparing the Papuan students for globalization and future endeavours as leaders. Currently, Yayasan Pendidikan Lokon – Sekolah Asrama Taruna Papua (YPL-SATP) joins TeachCast with Oxford to improve further the students’ English fluency and to expose them to various cultures. Students in this program are from grades three to nine.
Teachcast with Oxford is an additional language program for SATP students. There are currently three language programs available. Through TeachCast with Oxford, our students will be able to communicate directly with native speakers which will motivate them to use as much English as they can to build understanding during the lessons.
This program includes teachers and other members of the school staff in addition to students as its primary learners. The students and employees will simultaneously improve their language skills by taking sessions from native speakers. Even though we strongly encourage the use of English for communication and interaction both inside and outside of the classrooms, we also strongly advocate for everyone, especially students, to maintain their native tongue. (Ginaleen)